So, what is one to do when one is waiting in a car at a gas station for the driver to get back? Well, this one decided to take out her camera and look around the area through her lens. I snapped a few quick shots and this was one of them. It's nothing special, but I thought it would be more interesting than yet another landscape (of which you will get plenty more after my break).
I also decided to post this image because it was the closest image I could find that kind of, somehow, in my weird mind, reminded me from the film I saw last night. Before I tell you the film, let me first state that I am in love with films that mess with your head so much that you can't decide what is up/down or backwards/forwards or linear/circular or anything (I've been this way ever since I was introduced to the world of Requiem for a Dream [2000 - Darren Aronofsky]). That being said, I was destined to love Mulholland Dr. (2001 - David Lynch). Mulholland Dr. takes messing with its audience's head to a whole new level, so much so there is actually a whole website dedicated to the various theories about how to interpret the film. I have heard about this film for years - everyone loves it, or at least understands its greatness, but no one understands it. I have always wanted to watch it, but my parents kept telling me that they had tried to watch it 6 or 7 times and could never stay awake, so I avoided renting it for their sakes. However, this time around I wanted to watch Sunset Blvd (1950 - Billy Wilder), but itunes did not have it, so I decided to watch another L.A. movie and Mulholland Dr. came to mind. I absolutely loved it! I couldn't understand it anymore than anyone else, but it was so beautiful (the transitions alone were some of the best I have ever seen) and just a well made movie - and it will scare/freak the crap out of you. It's amazing. Oddly enough, now that I have been raving about it to my parents over Skype, they claim that they have seen it 5 or 6 times and loved it each time... I don't know which version to believe, especially after seeing the film itself.
If you were born in September (or any other month of the year...that should be everyone), click here and get inspired (if this doesn't do it, I don't know what will).
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