I know, I know, I haven't written in awhile. My apologies. It has been a rough transition back into life in g-vegas. However, after a rough patch, my sister got home and a few days later we both went to the Greenville Humane Society and each got a puppy. In fact, we adopted sisters! So, I went from not wanting to write while sad to not writing because I was having too much fun playing with my new best friend. My sister's dog (Goose) will live with her while she finishes law school and mine (Koru) will move out to Colorado with me while I finish school out there. So even though they have to be separated, at least they'll still get reunions.
I've been nervous about how Koru will enjoy the snow and the cold. Luckily, I got to test out how Koru would like snow when my Grandmother got snowed in North Carolina and I got to drive up to rescue her (my car is the only one in the family that has 4WD). I took Koru up with me and her reaction to the snow was priceless - she pounced on every shadow, ran up hills only to slide down them, tried to eat the snowballs thrown at her head as they dissolved, and overall never wanted to leave. Seems like she'll fit right in.
I wish everyone a wonderful night and day tomorrow (whether you are celebrating Christmas or not). The best part about all of this Holiday madness is that it reminds us about how time, understanding, and fun with the family are important to happiness in life. I give everyone my love and cheer. Y'all deserve only the best.
My Christmas presents for your eyes are these amazing Flikr photostreams: Bladerunner, Lightmechanic, BlaisOne, Tackyshack, & Biskitboy. This is also cool: Space Collective.
Also, I'm pretty sure these are mandatory to watch every Christmas season: PC Xmas, 12 Days of Christmas - Straight Chaser, & Improv Handbells.
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