While my parents were planning their trip to visit me in New Zealand, I made sure that they put Wellington on our itinerary. After all, since learning all about Peter Jackson in my New Zealand cinema class, I felt the need to stalk him (with the hope that we would meet and he would discover how passionate I am about good films and decide to give me a job... as you may have guessed, this occurrence only happened in my dreams). My parents patiently stopped by the Weta Cave with me as I drooled all over the displays (I feel like this happens a lot - the staff was ready with mop in hand). Then they wanted to go to Te Papa, the national museum of New Zealand, so I fulfilled my daughterly duties and went with them. Don't get me wrong, I am all about learning new things, they just need to be either (1) on the discovery or history channels with cool graphics and reenactments or (2) interactive. I soon discovered that Te Papa is highly known for the latter :) I took this photo near the end of our adventure through the museum. It's an interactive map of New Zealand that shows one how each part of the islands was formed when one walks over certain locations (you can see my lovely parents in the background pointing out Wellington). Call me a nerd, but it was awesome.
Now for some cool links, I know I haven't posted any in a while, so I hope these make up for it:
(1) Watch this interview by Rachel Maddow; it's a few days old, but oh so good. She schools a well-spoken but utterly simplistic thinking (is idiotic too harsh?) man: Click Here
(2) There are no special effects in this video yet it's better than half the special effects infused blockbusters. Crazy, aye? Click Here
(3) Another reason I love my generation is because of websites like this (most of us have a good sense of humor)!
(4) If anyone is concerned for my future in filmmaking, this article may not be for you... but don't worry, I'll change it all when I get there... :/
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